Sunday 1 June 2014

Handover Ceremony

9th Day – Handover Ceremony and Checking into Ree Hotel

Today is the day of the Handover Ceremony.  We woke early to help prepare sandwiches for the students of Bak Pka Primary School (approximately 240 students in total).  While making our way to the school, the students were in good spirits and practiced their performance item enthusiastically in the bus.

Morning sandwich making

Once we reached the primary school, we were welcomed warmly by a gathering of students, teachers, Principal and villagers.  The village chief and commune chief were also present to witness this important occasion.  We officially handed over the classroom to the school in a simple ceremony.  First was the ribbon-cutting, after which a symbolic key was handed over to the Principal, who opened the door and entered the brand new classroom that is furnished with little wooden tables and chairs.  It was really a special moment as we sat in the classroom we helped built and thought about all the hard work that went into it.

The classroom we helped built

The students who were present with us during this ceremony

We then proceeded to serve breakfast which comprised an egg sandwich and a cup of hot Milo. We also distributed a bag of goodies to the students which consisted of 2 kg packet of rice, a mosquito net, stationery set and a pair of slippers. It was really wonderful to see the smiles on their faces as they received these gifts.
It was an emotional farewell with both our students and the children shedding tears. These were children who were with us every day for the past 7 days. Despite the language barrier, they have grown close to one another and were very sad when the time came to say goodbye.

Saying Goodbye

After lunch, we then checked into our hotel, the Ree Hotel.  Our students were really excited about this!
We then went on to visit Artisans Angkor. It is a Cambodian social business whose purpose is to create job opportunities for young people living in rural areas, while reviving at the same time traditional Khmer craftsmanship. As we were brought around, we had the opportunity to observe in action craftsmanship like stone and wood carving, painting on statues and on silk, lacquering, and silver plating. The patience and intense focus of the craftsman was amazing.

The intricate work of a craftsman at Artisans Angkor

For dinner, we were treated to a performance which showcased traditional Khmer dances, depicting the daily lives of the Khmer people in different eras are performed. The costumes and dancers were beautiful and elegant. With that performance, we ended our eventful day and returned happily back to our hotel for a good night’s sleep.